Plan Your Festive Campaigns & Offers with The Best Social Media Marketing Agency in Dubai


Plan Your Festive Campaigns & Offers with The Best Social Media Marketing Agency in Dubai

Are you unsure about the best time to organize and start your holiday campaigns? Want a list of the essential elements for your holiday marketing plan? The best social media marketing company in Dubai has created a thorough guide on marketing campaigns for the holidays. Read this blog to know everything you need in 2022.

Why Do Social Media Campaigns Need Advance Planning?

Strategic planning, often months in advance, is necessary for a social media campaign to be effective. Without a roadmap, you risk having ambiguous goals, unfinished creative materials, and an overstuffed content calendar. You can waste money on marketing as a result and fall short of important corporate objectives.

On the other hand, with a leading social media marketing agency in Dubai, you can plan and create:

  • A clear social media campaign goal for making the most of your approach, time, and money
  • Complete asset lists and timetables for production, editing, and publication that are realistic
  • Timelines that permit stakeholder input and approvals to lower the likelihood of publishing errors
  • Calendars for social media marketing that advertise ongoing projects and holiday campaigns without saturating followers

6 Crucial Components for Your Holiday Social Media Campaigns

Holiday marketing initiatives sometimes involve several different variables. Yours might incorporate SMS marketing, PPC ads, email marketing, and social media marketing. Planning for paid and organic social media initiatives will be the entire emphasis of this article. Here you will find out how a professional social media marketing company in Dubai works.

First and foremost, when you are outsourcing the services of a social media agency, you need a tool that facilitates collaboration between you both. You need to track the components of your social media strategy and establish plans with your team. From campaign ideas and posting platforms to creative assets and promotional links to publishing dates and approval status, you can then follow it all. When you hire the best social media marketing agency in Dubai, the experts will establish a clear communication system for smooth operation.

  • Objectives for Social Media Marketing Campaign

Clarify your goals first when you are consulting with the social media agency you outsourced. Your ultimate goals for the majority of your holiday marketing activities might be sales and conversions. It’s possible that you need to accomplish goals like raising awareness of recently launched products or collecting qualified leads before you can expect to boost sales and conversions.

A popular social media marketing agency in Dubai will help you set goals for each target after choosing one or more. To create measurable objectives for your team’s social media campaigns, The experts will use key performance indicators (KPIs) for click-throughs, leads, conversions, and/or income.

  • The Right Social Media Platforms for Your Campaigns

After that, decide which social media platforms to employ for your holiday marketing plan. It could be beneficial to use all social media channels where your brand is present or to concentrate on only one or two. When you hire an industry-best social media company in Dubai, the experts will review your objectives for the upcoming social media campaign and the outcomes of previous marketing campaigns to make the right choice for you.

It’s also useful to think about the features that each platform already has built in. For instance, Instagram might not be a suitable fit if a landing page is a crucial component of your campaign. Likewise, Twitter might not help you get the results you want if product tagging is important to your campaign. So, work with experienced marketers and figure out the best for your brand.

  • Mapping Out the Right Marketing Strategy

Once you have found the right channels for your campaigns, consider how you might use those channels to further your objectives. Make an offer to your intended audience first. The following are some ways to think about it:

  • To increase sales, offer a limited-time discount or develop a promotional code.
  • To create leads, offer a lead magnet that can be downloaded or viewed.
  • To encourage more purchases, use a loss leader that gives something away.
  • To stimulate interest and draw in more customers, create a fun giveaway program.
  • Collaborate with influencers to more successfully reach new target audiences.
  • To communicate with customers, gather and distribute user-generated content.
  • Promote your company and increase exposure by holding a contest or giveaway.
  • To increase reach and revenue beyond organic constraints, use social media advertising.

There are so many creative ways to make some noise and increase the hype about your brand, products, and services. Work with the best social media company in Dubai to find out what works the most for your campaigns.

  • Creative Resources

Start compiling a list of the creative resources your campaign will require after developing a social media plan. To help you with your thinking, consider the following ideas:

  • Photos and videos of your products to promote your new product range.
  • Use lifestyle images and videos to give your material an authentic feel.
  • Branded visuals that highlight your momentary discounts and promotions.
  • Videos in form of Stories, Reels, TikTok, or YouTube vlogs.

Depending on how many social media posts you intend to publish, your social media agency will finalize the type and number of posts for your campaigns.

  • Organic Content for Social Media

Start creating organic holiday marketing content once you have your offers, campaign URLs, and creative assets in place. The experts of a leading social media agency in Dubai will also provide great copywriting services to enhance your customer journey.

For instance, it’s frequently beneficial to tease your offer at the start of your holiday promotion to increase awareness. Then you may alternate postings that are sales-focused with articles that are pertinent to clients’ holiday-related problems.

  • Paid Content on Social Media

Create a funnel with the help of the best social media company in Dubai to lead your target audience through the customer journey when you create sponsored content. To transform prospective customers from engaged prospects to content holiday shoppers, use remarketing audiences intelligently.

For instance, you might begin with an advertisement that focuses on raising awareness of your brand while introducing your target market to your goods and services. Then you may launch a consideration-focused video ad that goes after viewers of your prior ad.


Holiday marketing efforts involve extensive planning in advance, from Halloween to New Year’s Eve. You can take measures to make sure that your social media initiatives for the 2022 holiday season are successful by gathering crucial components and planning content in a realistic timeframe. Seek professional help from Webtek Digital, the best social media marketing agency in Dubai, and see the difference!